Chinese translation for "wave pools"
- 造浪池
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Canadas largest theme park was built in 1980 on 300 acres of land just north of toronto . it features more than 180 attractions and 50 thrilling rides , including canadas only suspended roller coaster and the largest outdoor wave pool in the country 这些雕塑题材广泛,表现手法多样,既有具像的,亦有抽象的,它们在美化城市的同时,也给加拿大的雕塑家们提供了施展才能的广阔空间。 |
- Similar Words:
- "wave platform" Chinese translation, "wave point" Chinese translation, "wave polarization" Chinese translation, "wave pole" Chinese translation, "wave pool" Chinese translation, "wave potential" Chinese translation, "wave potential energy" Chinese translation, "wave power" Chinese translation, "wave power absorber" Chinese translation, "wave power absorption" Chinese translation